4 Ps of Marketing That Will Ensure Your Business Succeeds

Marketing 1

The term “marketing mix” has a rich history, typically focused on price, product, location, and promotions. The marketing mix was first defined in a white paper published by David Norton and Robert Kaplan in the 1970s. Since then, the marketing mix has evolved greatly, with many additions and subtractions depending on the market, the company, the industry, and the company’s goals. The marketing mix is a critical framework for companies, traditionally centered around the price, product, location, and promotion. This concept is important no matter how small, or large your marketing campaign is. Even if you are only creating YouTube videos and using YoutubeStorm to buy YouTube views to reach more people – you must think of the 4Ps of marketing.

Evolution Of The Modern Marketing Mix

In recent years, however, the marketing mix has become much less rigid. Many of the elements from the classic marketing models are being combined with elements from other disciplines. Companies can create new combinations based on their own unique objectives, goals, and circumstances. Here are seven common elements of an effective marketing mix. They are:



As we have seen above, marketers often combine traditional marketing with non-traditional elements. This combination allows marketers to reach a broader audience and create a deeper connection with their customers. When seeking a competitive advantage, however, marketers must be careful not to reduce pricing to the point of creating a “cheap” marketing mix. Instead, successful marketing strategies usually combine traditional and non-traditional elements in different ways so that the outcome is more comprehensive. Mentioned below are seven tips that help marketers create an effective, cost-effective, and comprehensive marketing mix.


New product

Many marketers think of a product as a stand-alone entity. However, this is just one component of effective marketing. In addition, many marketers also consider customer needs or wants in their mix. The product mix should include elements that address customer needs.This is an important thing to consider in online and offline marketing strategies. The mix could also include services and features that complement the product.



In order to be successful, marketing professionals need to offer more than just products. They also need to provide a service complementing what they market. Essential marketing components can include research, customer contact, or promotional events. This enables marketers to meet customers where they are – in the place where they want to be.

Marketing Strategies

Marketing Strategies

Successful advertising requires a comprehensive strategy. A variety of strategic techniques are used to reach the target audience. The strategy should be developed by marketing professionals and implemented by an advertising agency. The advertising agency should be highly experienced in developing comprehensive advertising programs. The marketing program must be designed to meet the goals and objectives of the business.



There are several factors that determine who buys and ultimately why a person buys a product or service. Different elements influence the decision to buy. Some of the most important factors include price, brand recognition, image, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. All of these elements are related to the competition and how well the company markets to the competition.



Sales and marketing professionals refer to their sales force as the primary sales force in a company’s structure. The primary sales force generates the majority of a company’s sales. Other sales staff are responsible for the marketing of products and services. Because the primary sales force represents the biggest bang for the buck, it is critical to the survival of any marketing campaign. Proper organization and use of a comprehensive advertising and sales force strategy will contribute to the success or failure of a marketing campaign.

Sales and marketing mix

marketing mix

In today’s society, there are a variety of marketing mix strategies that are used. Most companies use some type of mix strategy, including multi-level (network) marketing, direct selling, and affiliate marketing. Each of these marketing mix strategies has advantages and disadvantages. A comprehensive marketing strategy will consist of a mix of these proven effective marketing types.

Marketing plan

Marketing plan

A marketing strategy will include a marketing plan. This plan will be developed based upon the market focus and goals and the specific needs of the company. The marketing plan will include the specific marketing budget, marketing activities, and marketing objectives. A well-developed marketing plan will assist in the creation of a marketing strategy and aid in the monitoring of the overall effectiveness of the marketing strategy.

Customer service

Customer service

A major component of a successful marketing strategy is customer service. The success of any marketing plan is dependent upon the satisfaction of the customers. Customer service plays an important role in attracting new customers and retaining existing customers. The key to customer service is providing a quality product or service and providing opportunities for interaction with the company.

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